Monday, January 16, 2012

Just 10 days Left....

...For my last working day at my Hyderabad Office. It feels so strange, even though this was the thing I was praying for ever since I heard about the new office opening at Delhi. More than getting an MBA call or anything else.

As the days seem to be rushing away, I feel so stuck with this place. The office has become even more boring with nobody caring what I doing in office hours( They didn't care earlier as well but now i am almost non existent)!! I make in-numerous visits to Barista and the Idli wala in a single day, just  to pass my abundant free time.

And with a disaster cat result, I have like nothing to do at all. No calls so no enthusiasm to prepare for any GD PI I might get from any damn college. And I don't even care much now.

What I am really wishing now is a rocking birthday celebration and some chilled out last few days with my friends here.And apart from that I have a humongous task of packing all my stuff and shipping it back to Delhi. Lets hope everything goes well. Otherwise, I'll just have an excuse to visit Hyderabad again, which actually doesn't sound a bad idea ;)!!!I know, no matter how much I love being in Delhi, I am gonna miss this place :)!!Hope the place and its people miss me too!


  1. happy birthday in advance :) and enjoi the remaining days u hav in hyd! u r gona miss it for sure, the way i do now!!

  2. Thanks!! And I am enjoying thoroughly except on moments I get all emotional and teary with the thoughts of leaving this place..But I am honestly loving all the attention my friends giving me by heeding to all my wishes these days !:P
